One For The Cauldron
Seasonal Tips from the Book Of Shadows
Hungarian Remedy For The Evil Eye
Many years ago, I was driving home on a warm sunny day. My heart was light, my spirits were high, and my defenses were down.
As I reached the bottom of a hill, I saw a strange woman walking along the side of the road. She was dressed in an older Southern European fashion with a long skirt and a babushka.
Looking directly into her face, I smiled at this woman. She returned my gaze with eyes so powerful in hatred that they pierced me to the bone. Instantly, I looked away from her, but it was too late. I didn't know what she had done, but I could feel it, and I was scared. She had given me the Evil Eye.
Shocked and shaken to the core, I went directly to my Grandmother. Upon hearing my story, Grandma knew exactly what had happened, and she knew exactly what to do about it.
Grandma said that in her village in Hungary, where she grew up, there was a man that came to her church, and gave young girls the Evil Eye. Every Sunday, he would make a young girl sick just by looking at her. One Sunday, he did it to my Grandmother's sister, and my Great Grandmother showed her daughters what to do.
What you need:
A Fire
One wild carrot (also known as Queen Anne's Lace)
If you can't tell a wild carrot from water hemlock, Grandma said a domestic carrot will do in a pinch.
One straight wooden stick from the property where you live
A metal pot or cauldron large enough to hold one glass of water
One Clean coffee mug
One sharp knife
What to Do:
Get a wood fire going in the fireplace or fire pit
Pour one glass of water into the pot, and heat this over the fire
Cut nine pieces of the carrot over the pot of water
As each piece falls into the water, count backwards from nine.
It will go like this:
Not Nine - (Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not Eight - (Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not Seven - (Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not Six - (Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not Five - (Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not Four - (Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not Three -(Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not Two - (Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Not One -(Cut Carrot, and let piece drop into the water)
Now, take the straight stick, and burn the end of it in the fire. Once the end is charred, use it to stir the pot counter clockwise.
Then, pour the water off into the coffee mug, and drink it.
When you are done, throw the carrots into the garbage, and get them out of the house. Burn the stick in the fire. And wash the pot.
That's it! You're done!
Evil Eye is Toast.